Family Info:
Donation Progress
Please email Matt at letting him know you would like your donation designated to the Jordison family.
Our Story
Hospitality is who we are. In our 15 years of marriage we’ve opened our home to many, sometimes just for a night of fellowship, other times for months as a place they called ‘home’. Opening our home to another child was a different type of hospitality we hadn’t given much thought, until about 5 years ago.
Hi! We’re Jason and Danielle Carrington and through 15+ years of marriage we’ve been blessed with 4 biological children. About 5 years ago God started planting seeds in our hearts for our family to grow through adoption. It was a decision we didn’t take lightly. We spent 6 weeks in prayer for wisdom and guidance as we considered the adoption journey. Through that prayer, multiple conversations with adoptive families and the excitement of our children we felt moving forward with adoption was the right choice for us. At the beginning stages of prayer God had laid Haiti on our hearts and then confirmed it through a series of events. We’ve waited 4.5 years to receive the phone call stating our referral has arrived! Receiving that call and hearing our daughter’s name sent a flood of emotions through us.
Our journey has been long but our faith is deeper than ever. Would you consider supporting the rest of our journey? A 6 year old Haitian girl is waiting for her forever family to bring her home. Prayerfully consider being a part of uniting her with us!
To learn more about our journey visit our blog
To make a tax deductible donation click on the "donate" button. Follow the steps all the way through the checkout process.
All donations and expenditures are subject to the approval by the board of Village to Village Intl. Thank you for your gift.
You may also choose to send a check. Make your check out to Village to Village Intl. and send it to 1110 Portage Ave. Attn: Matt Borst South Bend, IN 46616