We (Stacey and Matt) are currently in the 6th week of our 9 week parent training that we offer for foster and adoptive parents. I have had some questions about what exactly this training is; so here is a little more information about the training that we teach.
The training is called “The Connect Course” and is 9 weeks long. We meet for 2 hours every week with anywhere from 4-7 couples. The training/material is through Empowered to Connect (ETC).
Brief Description
ETC Parent Training equips parents with a holistic understanding of their child’s needs and development while empowering them with the tools and strategies to effectively meet those needs, build trust, and help their child heal and grow. The training is taught from a Christian perspective and focuses on a wide range of topics and issues relevant to adoptive and foster parents, including helping parents understand the impact of their child’s history, what they themselves bring to the parent-child relationship, the fundamentals of attachment, the impact of fear, and the importance of meeting their child’s sensory processing, nutritional and other physiological needs.
This training relies heavily on the Trust Based Relational Intervention (TBRI®) model developed by Dr. Karyn Purvis and her colleagues at the TCU Institute of Child Development. If you are an adoptive or foster parent and have not read “The Connected Child” by Dr. Purvis, it is a must read.
There are over 130 couples all over the nation who are teaching these trainings throughout the year.
Click HERE to see if there are any trainers near you. If you are interested in attending our next training in the Michiana area, please get in touch with me at matt@villagetovillageintl.com.
Will Trust-Based Parenting Work for My Child? from TAPESTRY on Vimeo.