Birthday Thanks

Birthday Thanks

On August 4th, Village to Village (VTV) turned 11 years old. It is hard to believe that what started out as a crazy idea in my (Matt) head has turned into what we are doing today. As I have reflected on the history of VTV over the past few weeks, I cannot help but...

Time-Ins Vs Time-Outs

Perhaps the reason teens isolate themselves when they’re overwhelmed instead of coming to us for help with their problems is because when they’re toddlers we isolate them when they’re overwhelmed instead of helping them with their problems.   -L.R. KnostThe...
Parenting = Coaching

Parenting = Coaching

Coaching is one of the best illustrations that I can think of when it comes to parenting and what our roles are as parents.What do you think of when you see this list?1. John Wooden2. Vince Lombardi3. Dean Smith4. Bear Bryant5. Herb Brooks6. Dan GableCheck out these...

Devote Yourself To New Tools — Step #3

This isn’t a decision to make lightly.If we are serious about pursuing connected parenting for the sake of our kids, we have to be prepared to work hard.  As we have seen in Steps #1 and #2, everything about this approach is difficult, but nothing good...

What Am I Saying With My Eyes?

Let’s focus on more than simply changed behavior.As a parent, I need to regularly evaluate the effectiveness of the strategies and tools that I use with my kiddos.  It’s not enough to just see changed behavior, I also need my child to be growing in...

Letting Go of Punishment (Step #2)

This is step #2 in our three-part series laying the foundation for becoming a “connected parent.” Click here for step #1 (Facing Your Past), and step #3 (Trust-Based Tools).Punishment ≠ DisciplineUntil becoming foster parents, we understood punishment and...